Dr. T. Glen Hamilton

Intention and Survival
Publisher: MacMillian
Published: 1942
Pages: 216

Chapter 10: The "Lucy" Teleplasm

 - T. Glen Hamilton -

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          THE phenomenon of March 10, 1930, was in many ways one of the most important ever produced by the Dawn group mediumship. The precautionary measures were exceptionally rigorous; the trance personalities made very positive and detailed statements of intention, the mass was bulky, totally separated from the medium, and the near-normal size of the differentiated face - all were factors which made it singularly impressive. Impressive, too, was the foreknowledge displayed by the controls. Between October 27, 1929, and March 10, 1930, they outlined twelve separate descriptive details. Seven such details were stated on October 27, 1929 (date of the "Raymond" teleplasm) when Walter outlined his plans for new work:

"Walter-Dawn: 'You understand that I am going to try ... perhaps I should not tell you ... you get so impatient and upset things ... I am trying to build a body in the cabinet independent of the medium. I want you to have patience. It will be accomplished, but it can't be done at one sitting, and possibly it may take twenty-one sittings ... I want to stand the form of life-like size apart from the medium. It's a thing that's going to bring a hornet's nest about your ears. If I can keep the group that is here and if I can keep this medium with you for that time, that is my intention. It will not be a complete body, but only part of a body. I will try to make it complete. Let there be no time wasted. Let there be no more photographs for a time. Have everything ready when I tell you, and I will let you know either through Ewan or Mercedes just when I am ready. I will be as quick as I can. It depends on the forces of the material. What do you say to that, old man?'"

Up to this point no mass had been seen at a distance from Dawn's body. Now, however, Walter was predicting a major mass independent of his medium - a plasmic body of life - like size standing in the cabinet!

"Walter-Dawn: 'I think our good little friend here would like to say something through Mercedes. I would just like to say that I am hoping soon to put Mercedes in the cabinet, and we will try to give you photographs of your good little friend.'

Lucy-Mercedes: 'I haven't much to say, only that Walter is very anxious that you pay attention to every little detail, and he wishes you to be quite sure that you have got the order of sitting, as he seems to think there is a muddle. You may question the other medium (Ewan) and before we break let us straighten it out... This materialization he speaks of is going to be a wonderful piece of work. You must try to keep all the sitters together as much as possible. There must be no obstacles.'


Lucy-Mercedes: 'I don't think I will allow him to put my face through!

Walter-Dawn: 'O yes you will, oh yes you will! We will bring her!

Lucy-Mercedes: 'Well, if he behaves himself and doesn't lose his temper I may be coaxed. He is a good fellow and it is because he is so anxious to prove these things to the world that he speaks crossly. He is quite human. He has taken all his human qualities with him. He has lost none of them.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Don't forget to come for the picture!

Lucy-Mercedes: 'I will be there.'

Walter-Dawn: 'So she will... I wish the group to go now as quickly as possible. I do not wish anyone to control the medium any further tonight.' The group prepares to leave then Walter speaks:

'I haven't said 'So long!' yet! You're too damn impatient! All right ... your good friend Spurgeon says I must not say that word! But I mean it just the same! So long! friends!'"

On November 3 Walter gave more information about the promised form, and very specific instructions to the mediums and to the entire group concerning their actions in the séance room:

"Walter-Dawn: 'There will be changes from time to time, but I will let you know. Anybody coming into the cabinet must come in by the right.' He gets impatient when the group are not sure which side is meant and he says: 'This side!', banging the cabinet wall to the medium's right. 'Is that understood? No one must enter or come out of the cabinet on the left side. The side with the bell on is the side to come in and the side to go out.'

T.G.H.: 'All right, Walter.'

Walter-Dawn: 'I am building at the medium's left hand and I don't want anyone to interfere. That is why I have asked that Ellen (Elizabeth) should not sit in the cabinet for a little while. I don't want two people to sit in the cabinet at once. I must prepare my room. I will not keep her out long. I would also like you not to put your feet in the cabinet, particularly on the left side; for the right it doesn't matter. I want the medium to sit well back in the cabinet and not to touch the wall of the cabinet. I will change her from the cabinet for the next meeting of the whole group. I will take Ewan to sit in her seat as arranged. He must come in on the right-hand side at the beginning of the sitting. I want Dawn to sit out altogether for the next meeting when the whole group assembles, to sit outside the circle.'

L.H.: 'Where?'

Walter-Dawn: 'Anywhere. On a chair, right there.' (Medium knocks over a vacant chair.) 'I'd like to have each one sit always in the same place and on the same seat, as often as possible and without confusion. Don't remove the chairs unless they are removed before the sitting. I am trying something with the help of others. I am just an instrument on this side, the same as this medium is on your side.' T.G.H. repeats the instructions already given.

Walter-Dawn: 'Any mistake on your part will delay the work we are trying to put through. Let that be understood. Any mistake or interference with the instructions which I have just issued will delay the work'."

His comments in regard to the left side of the cabinet were judged as having to do with some type of building process related to the coming plasm. Near the end of this same séance Lucy also referred to some manner of invisible construction when she said:

"Walter says I am to tell you he has started on his great work. If you could only see what I see tonight you would be astonished! He also tells me to tell you that there may be some sittings when he will not speak at all, but just enough to let you know he is there. It will be a little monotonous, but you must not give up!"

Lucy was right. Walter had very little to say during November and December. At the turn of the year two sittings were devoted to the hand simulacrum of January 5, 1930 (see Chapter 4). On January 8, the eleventh sitting of this series, Walter made several requests pertaining to Dawn's diet and clothing: that she have a drink of warm water about five minutes before each sitting; that she eat nothing during the day of the séance; and that during the so-called 'building' séances she need not change all her clothes, provided that her shoulders and arms were bare. He said that the plasmic mass would be seated on a chair in the cabinet to her left.

No comments of any consequence were made in January and February, 1930. On March 2 Walter hinted that the end was in sight. From the notes of W. E. Hobbs, who was secretary for the entire series leading to the "Lucy" teleplasm, we quote:

"Walter-Dawn: 'We are almost through now. I will give you instructions at the next sitting. All is fine now and I hope to give you what you are waiting for. Next week you will get your final instructions.'

T.G.H.: 'You say you want your medium put back in the cabinet and to be on the left side?' (Observer's left.)

Walter-Dawn: 'Put the medium's chair there in the cabinet when she goes to sit there. I want you to go back to the old arrangement but reverse the seating, the medium at the left of the cabinet instead of the right, because I am moulding the thing for my material figure. Ewan will sit in his own scat at the next sitting, Dawn at the back and left just as she has always been doing. Then the little woman (Elizabeth M.) will move forward in her own seat and this medium will come forward. Then after that I will give you your final instructions. It is necessary for you to understand and not to mix me up. If you don't follow my instructions it will not be my fault ... I will not fly off the handle, but I will simply go away. Only one person to ask questions at a time, and not foolish questions. It may be very detrimental to the medium if this does not come through. I do not want to use her vocal cords in anger. I will speak softly so you will have to listen. I don't want to break up the sitting, but suggest that you go away after Lucy has delivered her message. I will say 'So long' now.'

Lucy-Mercedes: 'Good evening. I have just to say that everything is going fine. If you good people knew the wonderful surprise that is in store for you! It is worth all the trouble, all the sacrifice you have made. I only hope there will be no hitch. There does not have to be, if your control's instructions are carried out. The good friend who takes your notes will have to keep his ears open. I am going to make him responsible for the instructions and then there will be no need for anyone to say 'he said this' or 'he said that'. Walter is very anxious. That is the reason there was no fun and nonsense with him tonight. You do not realize how anxious he is that this should be put through the way he wants it to be. He will not tell, but he wants it to be a surprise.'

For some unknown reason there was a delay. On March 5, 1930, Walter said: 'I need another sitting before you can get the picture. I know you are all disappointed, but you would be more so if it wasn't right. She is too tense. It is not her fault. I want more time and then you must all come and I will have the picture all set.'

W.B.C.: 'One more sitting and then we will be given final instructions?'

Walter-Dawn: 'One more sitting and then the photo after. Just one more as tonight.'

W.B.C.: 'You want a scrutineer?'

Walter-Dawn: 'If you care to.'

W.B.C.: 'Hamilton was going to ask Pitblado.'

Walter-Dawn: 'He's all right. I would like to have him. When I say he's all right, he is. There are no back doors in him. You have to come around and knock at the front. And friends, just be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day ... '

On March 9, final instructions were given:

Walter-Dawn: 'Good evening. Is all ready?'

T.G.H.: 'Yes, except that the cameras are not open.'

Walter-Dawn: 'You will not need them. How does it happen that the bell is not working?'

T.G.H.: 'I didn't know it was out of order. It must have gone wrong in the interval if it isn't working now.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Well, I couldn't ring the thing. The lid is open too far.'

T.G.H.: 'Something has gone wrong.'

Walter-Dawn: 'When did you last try it?'

T.G.H.: 'I haven't touched it for weeks. You know we weren't to touch anything in or near the cabinet.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Will you please put your hand up and try to ring it yourself?' J.A.H. tries but the bell does not ring. He says it is 'dead'.

Walter-Dawn: 'It is dead ... just like you are!' (To T.G.H.)

T.G.H.: 'I am sorry Walter, but you told us to leave things alone.'

Walter-Dawn: 'It is quite all right. I wanted to let you know that I tried to ring it. I intended to signal you that way and I tried to ring it but it would not ring. Are you all ready?'

T.G.H.: 'Yes.'

Walter-Dawn: 'No one is to enter this room after you leave it tonight, and don't think I won't know if anyone does enter! If anyone enters there will be no picture! If it is necessary to come in for any purpose let me know now.'

T.G.H.: 'No one need enter. The room can be sealed if you like.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Seal it. When you enter for the next sitting let all come in together ... I have viewed my work and I am not satisfied with it but hope the next one will be better. The signal will be with the hand. It will be like this: one (bangs on the table), two (bangs again), three (bangs a third time), fire! Perhaps it will not be as loud as that but that is to be the signal. I want all the men to remove their coats, collars, ties and shoes. I want all the ladies to remove their shoes.'

J.A.H: 'Would you like the men to remove their vests, too?'

Walter-Dawn: 'It would be well to have the vests removed. The person who comes here and looks on as a witness need not remove his coat and vest. He will be here to criticize and observe. Only one light may be on at a time. The light on the ceiling will be all right. If you use the light in your hand don't have the ceiling light on. The medium must be sponged off completely and have an entire change of garments. Nothing she brings from her home must she have on. Nothing! I wish every part of her body examined. This is only a matter of form. I would like some person who doesn't sit in the circle to be there to do this. You need not tell the medium that she will be there for that purpose. I would like someone not of this group beside the medium when she disrobes and takes her garments off and puts others on.'

W.B.C.: 'How is the medium to be placed?' 

Walter-Dawn: 'As usual. I will place her myself if she is not right. Hold her fingers and let her hand move at the wrist. Don't squeeze but hold her hand in your palm. You may hold her wrists if necessary, but don't let her hand out of yours at any time.'

T.G.H.: 'We have arranged a sitting for tomorrow night.'

Walter-Dawn: 'That is fine. I am glad. Are there any other enquiries?'

T.G.H.: 'It will take a little time to open the cameras. We usually open them after Elizabeth is finished, but in this case would it be as well if Mr. Reed and I come in before the others and arrange it?'

Walter-Dawn: 'That will be all right, or you can do it at the usual time. Can anyone else operate the flash?'

T.G.H.: 'I could get Mr. Hobbs to do it."

Walter-Dawn: 'No, don't bother. If they do not believe you they will not believe anyone else in the room doing it.'

Walter-Dawn asks that a picture be taken of the room as it is. This is done (the photo showed only the medium and the chairs in the cabinet). He continues to stress precautionary measures:

'I think when you lock this door tonight and seal it, it would be well to give the key to someone who does not live in this house. Perhaps our secretary should take it.'

Hobbs: 'All right, Walter, I will.'

T.G.H.: 'I think we should padlock the door, too.'

Walter-Dawn: 'It would mystify people. Again, I would like each one to be examined by some other person. They could go through each other's pockets and pick out the dollar bills.'

L.H.: 'How would it be for the secretary to examine all the members of the circle?'

Walter-Dawn: 'No, the scrutineer should do it. (To T.G.H.) Now, old man, have you got all these instructions?'

T.G. reviews all the details given by Walter, who adds more points:

Walter-Dawn: 'Let the scrutineer be the first one to enter this room and bring him right up here in front of the cabinet. Then the group comes in, in the order in which they sit. See that no light penetrates this room. Everyone must be on time and prepared to wait. You might wait one hour, or you might wait ten. Above all, don't be tense and don't think about the picture. It may not show up, but I think it will.'"

On March 10, 1930, the group met again. Mr. Isaac Pitblado, K.C., LL.D., had kindly agreed to act as scrutineer. In addition, Dr. William Creighton was present as an outer guard, and his wife undertook to examine Dawn when she disrobed. Mrs. Creighton's report follows:

"Before the sitting of March 10, 1930, I made a careful examination of the medium Mrs. Marshall in a room other than the séance room, where she disrobed entirely and had the upper part of her body sponged by Miss Turner. She then put on two garments which had been provided for her, silk bloomers with elastic waist and knees, and a loose, sleeveless gown. I also examined the other ladies of the group before they went into the séance room, and immediately after they came out. At the conclusion of the sitting I again examined the medium Mrs. Marshall, who removed the gown and bloomers in my presence, and I found nothing concealed.

(signed) Florence Creighton."

Dr. Creighton's report:

"At 9 p.m. I inspected Dr. T. G. Hamilton, Dr. J. A. Hamilton, W. B. Cooper, Ewan, and I. Pitblado; they had nothing in their pockets except some money, a knife and one bunch of keys.

I counted the people entering the séance room-twelve in number - then locked and sealed the room at 9.10 p.m... I was in the hall or the room across the hall and in full sight of the door - no one entered or left the room until 11.10 p.m. when I opened the door and counted the people coming out - twelve in number - and also examined the men. They carried nothing more or less than they had when they entered the room.

(signed) Wm. Creighton."(1)

In addition to taking the séance progress notes Mr. Hobbs also made the following statement relative to the séance of March 10, 1930:

"At 8.42 p.m. Mrs. Marshall (Dawn) accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Creighton and Miss Ada Turner retired to the south room on the second floor where Dawn was prepared for the séance. (Mrs. T. G. Hamilton did not go into the room while Dawn was disrobing and otherwise being prepared for the séance.)

This being done, all the other ladies of the group prepared for the sitting and were carefully inspected individually by Mrs. Creighton to insure that nothing was concealed and taken into the séance room.

Mr. Pitblado inspected each male member of the group and the secretary to ensure that nothing was being concealed and carried into the room. These men took off coats, vests, collars, ties and shoes. At 8.59 Mr. Pitblado and Dr. Creighton together examined the exterior of the séance room which was locked, padlocked and sealed. The key to the door was produced by W. E. Hobbs, the key to the padlock by H. A. Reed. These were unlocked and the cord (to which the seals were attached) cut and retained by Mr. Pitblado. Mr. Pitblado and Dr. T. G. Hamilton then entered the séance room and inspected it.

At 9.06 Mr. Pitblado's inspection of the séance room complete, all members of the group (except Dr. Hamilton, who was already in the room) and the secretary filed in order into the séance room, their number and personnel being checked by Dr. Creighton, who then sealed and locked the door on the outside. Mr. Pitblado observed the number of the sitters and the secretary, and checked them verbally with the latter. (See notes of sitting.)

At 11.10 when the sitting was over, Dr. Creighton outside, cut the cord contained in his seal and unpadlocked the door, whereupon the sitters filed out and were checked as to number by Dr. Creighton. The men were immediately inspected by Dr. Creighton and the women by Mrs. Creighton.

Mr. Pitblado and Dr. T. G. Hamilton then returned to the séance room with W. E. Hobbs; Mr. Pitblado withdrew two plate holders and plates from two of the cameras and took them to the photographic dark room where he and Dr. T. G. Hamilton developed them. These plates were exposed during the sitting.

(signed) W. E. Hobbs."

Now given are the progress notes relative to the phenomenon of March 10, 1930:

"Seated in clockwise order: Elizabeth M., Dawn, W. B. Cooper, T. G. Hamilton, Mercedes, H. A. Reed, Ada Turner, Ewan, Mrs. T. G. Hamilton, Dr. J. A. Hamilton. In the centre of the group, all of whom had hands linked in chain formation, sat Mr. Isaac Pitblado, in front of and facing Dawn. W. E. Hobbs, recorder, sat at the back of the room. All had entered the room at 9.10, whereupon the door was padlocked and sealed outside by Dr. Wm. Creighton. Mr. Pitblado checked the number of persons in the room and Mr. Hobbs audibly confirmed the number.

The sitting commenced as usual with a period of time devoted to the Elizabeth M. trance. At 9.22 Ewan (entranced) says: 'You can take the photograph when Elizabeth is coming out.' This statement is in accordance with the plans previously made that a preliminary photograph taken at the beginning of the séance would reveal the condition of the cabinet. This exposure is made at 9.26 p.m. One camera only is used. T.G.H. immediately changes the plate in this camera and opens the shutters in all the other cameras. By 9.32 he reports all cameras open. He seats himself and asks Elizabeth to recount her visions. She does so and is finished at 9.33, at which time she moves out of the cabinet and takes her place between W.B.C. and T.G.H. The group sings (9.33-9.37). Dawn makes a sh-sh-sh-sh-ing sound.

Walter-Dawn: 'Good evening. Are you all here all right? What did you have for supper?' (9.38).

Ewan: 'Don't listen to him.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Keep it up! (referring to the singing). Have you got a man here to watch?'

T.G.H.: 'Yes, he's here.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Have you got anything in your pocket?'

Pitblado: 'Yes, and I went through all the other men's pockets.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Then you must be rich, all right! ' 

Between 9.40 and 9.43 the group sings; Walter keeps up a running fire of remarks and Ewan is in much distress, making noises and shuffling and stamping his feet. At 9.47 Walter speaks through Dawn:

' ... I want your friend to enjoy himself.'

Ewan: 'Don't pay any attention to him.'

Walter-Dawn: 'You didn't introduce me to your friend.'

T.G.H.: 'It is Mr. Pitblado. You have met him before.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Excuse me! I didn't recognize you! ' The medium shakes hands with Mr. Pitblado. Ewan says: 'Shut up!' and makes other sundry remarks.

Walter-Dawn: 'He says that just to amuse you. You cannot see what I am doing but I can see what you are doing. Are all your cameras ready? Is everything ready?' T.G.H.: 'Yes.' Walter-Dawn: 'Not like the bell-box.'

T.G.H.: 'No.' Walter-Dawn: 'When you get your picture you are not to disperse, you are to keep on singing.' T.G.H.: 'All right.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Did you all take your oath before you came in here?'

All: 'No.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Did you bring a man in here?' (To W.B.C.)

W.B.C.: 'No.' - 'Or a woman?' - W.B.C.: 'No.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Hammy?' T.G.H.: 'Yes, Walter.' - 'Did you bring a man in here?' T.G.H.: 'Yes, Mr. Pitblado.'

Walter-Dawn: 'I am glad you said that. I thought I was going to catch you.' Ewan, entranced, appears to dislike Walter's questions. Walter then asks him the same two questions, to which Ewan in both cases replies with an emphatic 'No! ' This by-play continues and Ewan asks Walter if he brought in a man himself.

Walter-Dawn: 'No. I brought a woman (speaking apparently to Mr. Pitblado). You may think this is very funny, but it isn't. It is something that I cannot explain in a few words. By and by, later on, this thing will be brought about without such conditions being necessary, perhaps not in your time or in the time of anyone present... Would you care to put your hands on the medium?'

Pitblado: 'Yes, I would.' (9.58) He examines the medium. 'Walter, do I see a whitish light all around the medium?'

Walter-Dawn: 'Yes, it is building now. I am placing the form on the chair. I don't mean that I am doing that now, but I will do it. It is just like a lot of little clouds clinging together. It is not very good but the next one will be better. I will have other arrangements for the next picture.' (10.00) Pitblado: 'I understand.'

Walter-Dawn: 'It would have been a good thing if you all had been weighed before you came in tonight, and then you would have seen how much weight you had lost.' During this conversation Ewan breathes in gasps and shows marked discomfort. T.G.H. reports Elizabeth M. in deep trance. (10.04) Elizabeth: 'Get a picture.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Let her speak.' T.G.H.: 'Anything else to tell us?'

Ewan: 'Don't bother him! Don't bother Walter, for goodness sake! He stamps his foot in impatience. 'Listen for the signal and sing!

Walter-Dawn: 'Ready!' (10.07) He starts pounding the table with the medium's hand, saying, 'One, two, three, fire! ' T.G.H. makes the exposure on the word 'fire' at 10.08.

Ewan (excitedly): 'Sing! Sing! ' (All sing vigorously.) 'Walter is so pleased! He is to tickled he can't hold himself! '

Walter-Dawn: 'Do you want to close the cameras?' (T.G.: 'Yes.) 'You can break for him to close the cameras. It is all right.'

From 10.00-10.14 the group waits and sings intermittently. The mediums are quiet save for some hissing by Dawn.

Walter-Dawn: 'Did you see who it was?'

W.B.C.: 'No, I didn't. I was afraid to put my head forward for fear I might get in the way of the cameras.' T.G.H.: 'I saw part of it.'

Reed: 'I saw what looked like a white bust.'

Walter-Dawn: 'Mercedes will recognise it.'"

This concludes the portion of the notes of this remarkable séance dealing with the "Lucy" materialization. The final document is the statement prepared by Mr. Isaac Pitblado, the scrutineer:

Memorandum re séance at Dr. T. Glen Hamilton's residence on March 10, 1930.

"At Dr. Hamilton's request I attended his home in Winnipeg on the evening of March 10, 1930. I was informed that 'Walter' had asked that I be present as official observer. I do not belong to the circle which meets regularly at Dr. Hamilton's, but have had the privilege of being present occasionally.

Examination of male participants:

Before going into the séance room all the men (except myself) took off their coats and vests, collars and ties and shoes. They also rolled up their shirt sleeves to the elbow. I was told that this was pursuant to Walter's instructions at a former meeting. I then searched all the men and found that none of them were taking anything into the séance room either in their pockets or concealed on or about their persons, except that some of them had some money in their pockets, one had a small pocket lighter, one (the official reporter, Mr. Hobbs) had a watch and chain, one had the photographic plate in order to make a change of plate if his camera was used. There was nothing of any kind of a physical character on or about any of the men which could in any way be used to assist in bringing about the phenomenon which appeared at the séance.

After having examined and searched the men I went to the séance room and found it locked and sealed. It was locked with two locks - one the ordinary lock of a common door, and the other a padlock. The hasps used for the padlock had been fastened by a string, and the string knotted and sealed with two stickers which bore the names or initials of Mr. H. A. Reed and Mr. Hobbs. These two gentlemen were present and stated that the seals (or stickers) were the ones put on by them the night before. The door, even though it were unlocked, could not have been opened while the seals and string were there, without breaking the seals or cutting the string. Neither the seals nor string had been broken or cut when I examined the door. I then took the key of the main lock (which key I obtained from Mr. Hobbs) and unlocked the main lock, and unlocked the padlock with the padlock key obtained from Mr. Reed. I then cut the string and removed the string and seals after both Mr. Hobbs and Mr. Reed had identified their signatures. Dr. Creighton and I then both examined the string and saw that the only cut or break therein was the cut which I had just made. The string and seals had not been tampered with since the string had been tied and the seals put on.

I then opened the door of the séance room and entered with Dr. T. G. Hamilton at 9pm. The room was in total darkness, I carried a pocket flashlight which had a red-coloured glass placed over the light end. I then examined the room and adjoining closet with the aid of the flashlight. The room and closet contained nothing except the usual furniture, cabinet, stands for cameras, flashlight apparatus, phonograph, etc. There was a suit of dark clothes in the clothes closet. There was nothing in the room which could in any way be used for the purpose of assisting in the production by physical means of the phenomenon which subsequently appeared.

After I had examined the room, the others, members of the circle and the mediums, were admitted to the room. I searched each male member when he came into the room, and found each one exactly as when I searched outside, except that Mr. Hobbs had brought with him his notebook and pencils for the purpose of making notes. Dr. T. G. Hamilton had also several lead pencils in his pocket for the purpose of enabling the medium Elizabeth M. to write. He also had and placed on the table the paper sheets (on a wooden board) on which Elizabeth M. subsequently wrote.

Mr. Hobbs has kept a record of the proceedings in the séance room so I need say nothing about that.

After the séance I remained behind and examined the room again with my flashlight. Nothing in the room was different from when I had examined it at the beginning - nothing which could in any way assist in the phenomenon. Dr. Hamilton and I then removed from five of the cameras the plate holders containing the films which had been exposed, and I carried them to the developing room in the house where I saw Dr. Hamilton put the usual developing and fixing solutions on two films. When these films were developed a figure was seen in each of them, seated in the chair to the left of the medium. As exhibits to this statement are shown prints from the two films developed in my presence.

Some time before the flashlight photograph was taken 'Walter' asked me if I would like to hold the medium's hands, and on my saying 'Yes', I took hold of both hands of the medium and in doing so I also took hold of the right hand of Mr. Cooper (who was holding the medium's left hand), and of the left hand of Dr. J. A. Hamilton (who was holding the medium's right hand with his left hand). The hands in the front of the photograph, on top of the other hands, are mine. I had hold of the other hands as above set forth for some time before the flash and at the time thereof.


1. There was nothing of a physical or material nature in the room which could be used to bring about or help bring about the phenomenon.

2. None of the males in the room had anything of a material nature on or about them which could be used to bring about or help bring about the phenomenon.

3. Mrs. W. Creighton and another lady had examined and searched the ladies who were admitted to the séance room (so they stated) and I have every reason to believe their statement that the ladies present took nothing into the séance room which could in any way be used to bring about or help bring about the phenomenon.

Plate 31: Elizabeth M. and Dawn in trance. Exposure made at 9.26 p.m. on March 10, 1930, 42 minutes prior to the appearance of the "Lucy" teleplasm.

4. From the examination of the two films which were developed in my presence, and from seeing the pictures which were developed from the films or plates in the other cameras, in my opinion it was absolutely impossible for the plates or films to have been faked in any way.

5. I am convinced that the phenomenon of the figure seated on the chair to the left of the medium was genuinely produced without the aid of any known physical or material means, process or apparatus, and that there was no possibility of any 'fake' or trickery. March 12,1930, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

(signed) I. Pitblado."

Plate 31, taken at 9.26, shows Elizabeth M. and Dawn in deep trance, Dr. T. G. Hamilton's profile, and his right hand controlling Elizabeth's left hand.

Plate 32a shows Dawn in a very deep trance, Mr. Pitblado's right hand firmly grasping Dawn's left hand and the hand of her controller, Mr. Cooper, and the strange teleplasmic mass, placed on the chair behind and to Dawn's left, photographed at 10.08.

Plate 32b is an enlargement of the head part of the mass, with part of Mr. Cooper's head showing in the lower right corner of the photograph. The bulk of this most unusual mass is shaped in imitation of a trunk and head, and is almost life-size. The head simulacrum mass has been manipulated in such a way as to reveal a differentiated plasm, an almost life-size and remarkably well depicted face of singular beauty.

Plate 32a: The "Lucy" teleplasm of March 10, 1930.
Plate 32b: Enlargement of the "Lucy" teleplasm of March 10, 1930.

Roughly fifteen by twenty-four inches, the plasm was judged to be possibly one inch thick. The lower extremity of the mass did not cover the seat of the chair, but like its upper portion, remained close to the chair back. The contour of the left arm simulacrum lay behind the stave which formed a part of the chair back. It is likely that the close proximity of the mass to the chair back was connected in some way with the support of the material.

The 'trunk' surface is peculiarly rippled with 'tear drops' of teleplasm which have a downward curvature. This suggested that the material had advanced from some point in the upper region of the form and had flowed down to its final site, where the fluidity had decreased and the motion had come to a stop.

The face in the head-mass appears to have been revealed by a process of cleaving and folding back the over-covering teleplasm. Clearly discernible above the face is a rectangular flap, as is a flap below the face. Flaps are to be seen to the right and left of the face. On the right, causing a shadow on the right cheek, is a tendril of teleplasm. The end of this tendril is complementary to the small hole which occurs directly opposite, in the left contour.

The face itself is the largest plasmic countenance which Dr. Hamilton ever photographed. At the same time, it must be considered somewhat inferior for the reason that it appears quite flat. The lips lack highlights, and no shadow is seen to the left of the nose.

The identity of the face was and must remain an open question. As indicated in the séance notes, the trance personalities claimed it to be a representation of "Lucy", Mercedes' main control, said to have lived many years ago, and to have been an Irish woman connected with a religious order. Lucy-Mercedes displayed many characteristics distinctive from those of other Mercedes trance-controls, and from those of the normal Mercedes. Her quiet way of speaking, her gentle, kindly manner, her high resolve, her habit of singing what was presumed to be Latin church music (of which her medium knew nothing) all marked her as a consistent personality, easily and immediately recognized whenever she manifested.

Only one short excerpt from the séance notes of March 16, 1930, had any reference to the identity of the Lucy plasm:

"Walter-Dawn: 'Mercedes will speak.'

Ewan: 'Rise up, Mercedes, rise up!'

Lucy-Mercedes: 'Good evening. How do you like the picture?'

All: 'We are delighted!'

Lucy-Mercedes: 'Dear friends, if you knew how pleased I am that he chose me for the materialization. When I saw him building, I did not know. In his funny way he said I would do all right to begin with! I am very pleased that you like it.'

Walter-Dawn: 'She has such power of sweet thought. She is more able to implant her features than these men!'

Lucy-Mercedes: 'I thank you for your assistance. It is only a beginning. I am sorry I am not well known.'"


(1) Deeply interested in psychical research, and a life-long friend of Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Wm. Creighton was Surgical Consultant, Deer Lodge Military Hospital, Department of Veterans' Affairs. Back



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