
G. N. M. Tyrrell

G. N. M. Tyrrell

          EDUCATED AT Hailey and London University, where he took his degree in mathematics and physics. Worked under Marconi on radio communications, and was demonstrating Marconi's techniques to the Mexican government when he joined the SPR in 1908. He served as a signals officer with the Royal Artillery in World War I.

Psychical Research became the main interest in his life, and in 1923 he decided to devote himself to it entirely. Wrote Grades of Significance, Science and Psychical Phenomena, The Personality of Man and Apparitions, and has contributed articles to the Hibbert Journal, the Spector, Philosophy, and other other publications. His Myers Memorial Lecture on 'Apparitions', published in 1942, revealed the psychological character of these memorial experiences. He joined the SPR in 1908 and became President in 1945.

Tyrrell's SPR Presidential Address in 1945 highlighted the danger of a split between statistical and qualitative workers which was 'likely to occur because two different types of mind, and two different temperaments, were involved'. He added that psychical research needs both.

Source (with minor modifications): An Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science by Nandor Fodor (1934).

Articles by G N M Tyrrell on this website:

Alternatives to Discarnate Theory

Attitude to Psychical Research. Part 1

Attitude to Psychical Research. Part 2

What is Psychical Research?

What is Science?

The Significance of the Whole

The Subliminal Self and the Unconscious

Psychical Research and Religion

Is there Anything Besides Fraud in the Physical Séance Room?

The Case of Patience Worth

Mrs. Willet

Discarnate Agency



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