

Rene Sudre

          French scientist, Professor at L'Ecole des hautes Etudes Sociales, Vice-President of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, distinguished metapsychical thinker, collaborator of Gustave Geley at the Institut Metapsychique from 1921-26, contributor of numerous essays and reviews to the Revue Metapsychique and, from 1926-1930, to Psychic Research developing views of a spiritual interpretation of Nature similar to Schopenhauer's or Henri Bergson's, but more closely in touch with the new conceptions of the physical universe.

He took prominent part in the Copenhagen, 1921, Warsaw, 1923 and Paris, 1927, International Congress for Psychical Research, founded the Bibliotheque Internationale de Science Psychique et Parapsychologie which published the French translations of the works of William Barrett, W. J. Crawford and Baron von Schrenck-Notzing and published in 1926 his well-known Introduction a la Metapsychique Humaine (Payot, Paris) which Hans Driesch, Bergson and others consider as the most logical and concise exposition of psychic facts. He fought against the spirit hypothesis and tried to link all the supernormal evidence to new psychology and modern science.

Source (with minor modifications): An Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science by Nandor Fodor (1934).



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