
Anna Rasmussen

Anna Rasmussen

          of Seeland, Denmark, medium for physical and intellectual phenomena. She was born in 1898, the mediumship set in at the age of 12. The table moved both with and without contact. Poltergeist phenomena developed, then died out to give place to true telekinesis, raps, slate writing, automatic writing, luminous phenomena and trance speech under the control of an entity "Dr. Lasaruz."

In October and November, 1921, the mediumship was examined at Fritz Grunewald's laboratory at Berlin. The results were placed before the second International Congress for Psychical Research at Warsaw, in 1923. The electrical condition of the séance room was a particularly noticed phenomenon.

In September, 1922, Prof. Christian Winther, S.D., of the Polytechnic Academy of Copenhagen, commenced a series of scientific experiments in which Prof. Bondorff, of the Danish Agricultural High School, the Laboratory Director R. Dons, and Dr. A. Marner, a practising physician also participated. According to Prof. Winther's detailed account in Psychic Research, 1928, among 116 séances which he had with the medium not a single one was completely negative. There appeared a steady outpouring of psychical energy and if a séance was not organised the medium became restless and felt ill. In many cases she has given two, three or even four sittings in a single day. All the sittings took place in actual daylight or in very strong artificial light. The medium sat quietly in the circle at the table, carried her share of the conversation, took refreshments, read a newspaper and had apparently no connection with what was going on. Trance was always a great fatigue and it was only employed when this was the special subject of study. Some of the automatic scripts came in English. The spelling was bad, but the medium and her immediate family do not have the slightest knowledge of the language. A unique feature of her mediumship is that raps emanate from her left shoulder and answer questions. Harry Price placed his car against the medium's shoulder and distinctly heard decided thumps from her body (Psychic Research, 1928, p. 377).

Source (with minor modifications): An Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science by Nandor Fodor (1934).



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