Book: "Quantum Gravitation: The Key to Consciousness"

Author: Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc (Hons)

Availability: Out of Print

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- Part 6 -



          A grand unification of the four forces and particles of nature has been summarised which, as spin-off, demanded mankind to be spiritually based. The author appreciates that the scenario portrayed may seem indigestible to readers used to thinking of mind as mere brain function. The advantages gained from rejecting this "when you're dead, you're dead" concept seem, however, to be overwhelming. These are therefore listed below as a fitting conclusion: -

1. Reduces the plethora of "elementary particles" such as fermions, quarks, photons and neutrinos, together with virtual "mediators" like "gravitons" to just two, the primaries, which also generate all nature's forces.

2. Solves the vexed question of a huge and totally false "cosmological constant". In the standard "Big Bang" model of creation both space and matter appear together by an "inflation" caused by a combination of an "intrinsic negative pressure of the vacuum" and relativity theory. Unfortunately theorists cannot turn it off so it remains to push the galaxies apart with the acceleration 1050 times too great. An article from Cambridge by Abbott (11), published in the prestigious journal, "Nature", highlights their dilemma, writing, "On the negative side the approach relies on a shaky formalism and many untested assumptions." The statement is also made that the theory is part of the Hawking Coleman programme: showing it to be fully approved.

The new creation mechanism of breeding primaries eliminates the difficulty entirely. Matter could be programmed in the manner of replicating computer viruses. The replication routine, if arranged to cut of fat some specified number of generations, would produce an inflationary big bang. Alternatively, matter could be replicating everywhere to yield continuous expansion, similar to Hoyle's ideas.

3. Wave-particle duality is provided with a plausible interpretation which arises spontaneously as a result of the mathematical logic. A mechanism generates the wave.

4. A "Grand Unified Theory" emerges which is virtually paradox-free. Gravitation is integrated with quantum theory and gives the right predictions.

5. The difficulties arising from paranormal experiences are resolved be extending physics to bring them within its orbit. The author's books (12) and (13) provide details of the way these problems are resolved, predicting them to have the potential of being real effects.

6. It provides a framework which can support the main tenets of religious belief, so offering the possibility of integration with physics to mutual advantage.

7. Evolution and creationist scenarios become integrated and no longer appear at variance with each other. The matter-system was deliberately created to allow biological life-forms to evolve.

8. Would people who know they have a soul to nurture dare to commit crime? This is a final question physicists might well consider: false paradigms could be blocking the way to spiritual awareness.

An experiment of Michelson-Morley type needs to be mounted in a fast-moving space rocket. If the Extended Newtonian theory is correct, then fringe shifts should appear consistent with its speed relative to the iether.

What a British triumph it would be if the amateur group called "Aspire" flew this in their next series. They aim for a speed of 5,000 mph. And this would give adequate resolution.

A more satisfactory trial would use one of the British "Skylark" rockets which regularly carry experiments into space on sub-orbital flights. The cost is about £10,000 per experiment.



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