Book: "Origin of Mind"

Author: Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc (Hons)

Availability: From Michael Roll

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- Chapter 7 -



         People who I hope will come forward to repeat the foregoing lecture to professional physicists, mathematicians, and engineers will need to be prepared to answer some difficult questions afterwards. The following represents an amalgam of the discussions, which have arisen as a result of a lecture tour made during the summer of 1992.

OUR CIRCLE Dec. 1991 (Organised by Vic & Barbara Iles)

Q. Maria interjected. "Where does God come into this?"

A. "I think I may have described the structure of God", was my reply. "But God isn't a structure, God is Love", she complained. My answer was that love is not a structural material, it is an abstract quality generated by the structure. If God exists and in the form outlined I am convinced that such an entity does exist, then it needs to have a structure, even though in the ultimate analysis that structure is built out of pure nothingness.

In this concept what theologians call "God" is identical with the universal sub-conscious mind, which is the sum of all minds interconnected by the remaining network of the grid. Some people think of God as a bearded old man in the sky. This is perfectly alright if regarded as pure symbolism. The mind often seems to work best by the use of symbols."

Q. Molly, looked crestfallen. "You have destroyed my belief that life has some higher purpose," she objected, "I prefer to believe it is all magic and hoped that when I go over I will find out what that purpose is".

A. "We do have a purpose but that had to be created, just as the universe needed to be created as a deliberate act. I can only see that our bodies exist to provide the mind with a canvas to work upon to create beautiful and useful things, to learn to interact beneficially with one another and so to develop. It could be that our universe and our bodies are the purpose. However, it is very likely that I have missed something important. Just because I am saying that the creator could have arisen spontaneously does not mean we have no higher purpose.

As far as magic is concerned, I think the theory explains what seems to be magic in terms of common-sense."

SCARBOROUGH Sept 92 (Organised by P. Crowther & Don. Galloway)

Q. Paul Crowther posed a head scratcher which I had hoped nobody would think of, "Where did the first cosmons come from to start the Ether ball off?"

A. "From pure nothingness. This must be unstable giving rise to temporary particle-pairs all the time but at a low rate. When some happen to arise which have the property of momentum, and in sufficient numbers at some place, then the breeding can take off."

Q. "Not satisfactory," came the tormentors reply. "It cannot be "nothingness" it must be 'No Thing Ness" which is different. Your theory starts with No-Thing-Ness which has the potential to produce something. It therefore must have a creative force as well and so there must be a creator behind the creator arising as a mathematical consequence of cosmon collisions."

We almost came to blows because neither of us could see eye to eye and we argued at some length after the lecture. Paul's interpretation is unacceptable to me because it destroys the simplicity of the concept. His interpretation means that either a whole infinite line of' creators is needed each making the next or the No Thing Ness creator has always existed without a beginning. To me both these are unacceptable and my own interpretation, to me at least, seems more reasonable.

However, whatever physical theory is produced we always come back to something like this and it seems safe to say that nobody is ever going to be able to give a totally convincing answer. Here we are running into difficulties because we are going totally out of our depth" so to speak. It seems best therefore to leave this one open to individual choice. Nobody can prove it either way and I don't think anybody ever will.

ISLE OF MAN 28-29 Sept. 1992 (Organised by Dennis Kent)

Q. Man. "How do the electromagnetic wave theories of Maxwell fit into the theory?"

A. (The answer I should have given) In my first book this is treated as part of the theory of gravitation. The photon interacts with virtual electrons (temporary ones continually thrown up to vanish again shortly afterwards). The energy is stored temporarily causing the electron to move sideways and then the photon jumps to the next electron at almost infinite speed. This fits the electromagnetic theory except that the magnetic wave lags the electric wave by a quarter cycle and textbooks show no lag.''

Q. Man. "How do the electromagnetic and gravitational force predictions compare?"

A. "The gravitational force depends on the fate at which the number density of cosmons changes with level. This is proportional to the total negative energy density gradient which increases the lower the level. (The negative dominates over the positive to produce the force of gravitation) The force produced Is similar to a buoyancy force, like a cork in water but pulling down instead of pushing up. The electric force is also of buoyancy type, though sometimes positive (repulsion) and sometimes negative (attraction) and now based on partial energy density gradients, rather like Dalton's law of partial pressures. The partial gradients are many more orders of magnitude more intense than the total ones with the consequence that both need almost the same value of energy density at Earth's surface: a value of about 1045 J/M3 (joules per cubic metre) So in this way the magnitude of these forces are related, something which has never been achieved using General Relativity."

Q. Man. "Can the theory explain synchronicity? It is common experience in patent offices that almost identical applications often arrive together even though filed in countries thousands of miles apart.

A. "The grid interconnects all minds except for obstruction by the information filter-barrier. Like minds in tune will be interconnected when thousands of miles apart, even though their owners are quite unaware of this. Then when one thinks of an idea, both come up with the same thing. The phenomenon can be regarded as additional support for a structured Ether. Electromagnetism cannot explain synchronicity."

AT BARONESS EDMEE DI'PAULI'S HOUSE 15 October 1992 (Organised by Simon Shavelar)

Q. Lady. "What extra assumptions does the Extended Newtonian have?"

A. "The five laws are given on FIG. 12 which I will show.

The first three are the well known Newton's Laws of Motion and 1 have added a further two laws. Newton's first law is a statement about inertia. At the time people thought things stopped when you stopped pushing or pulling and so needed continuous effort applied to keep them going. Newton showed that this was not the case. Things only slow down, when moving on the level, because of friction. If this could be eliminated they would go on indefinitely without being pushed at all.

His second law says that you have to push something to make it go faster and the third law says that the object you push, pushes back on you with an equal. though oppositely directed force.

The fourth law I have added is that the mass of the moving object is increased by the mass-equivalent of kinetic energy, a matter Newton failed to notice. When combined with Newton's second law and subjected to a simple mathematical synthesis, Einstein's famous equation E = mc2 drops out together with another famous equation of his which shows that the limiting speed of any object is the speed of light. (See APPENDIX). This fourth law also corrects the errors about planetary orbits from which Newton's laws suffer and predicts his "gravitational red shift".

The fifth law is the addition of a set of negative energy states for cosmons, the main feature on which the entire theory of the Ether given in this lecture depends." (See INTELLIGENCE BEHIND THE UNIVERSE)

Q. Man, "How does non-locality fit in?"

A. "I will illustrate this with FIG.13. "Alain Aspect's team used excited caesium atoms. This means that an electron has been given excess energy which it retains for a while by existing in a larger orbital. It is unstable, however, and so drops in, shedding its excess energy in the process by emitting photons. It has "decayed" to produce a pair of photons which move off in opposite directions and behave like a pair of identical twins. When the polarisation of one was affected by hitting an angled screen of polarising glass, the experiments showed the partner photon to be instantly affected.

The theory explains this by information transport along the grid filaments at speeds many thousands of times the speed of light and the pair are organised together. This is also necessary for structuring the atom, by the method already mentioned, in which the electron is caused to be copied out at an enormous rate at random places all over the orbital of its parent atom. This is necessary to satisfy Shrodinger's wave equation."

Q. Same man, "But no messages can travel faster than light. This is a fundamental fact accepted throughout physics."

A. It is accepted only to avoid contradicting Einstein's theory of Special Relativity. From its assumptions. if a message were sent out faster than light to a fast moving reflector which returns the information, then the message could be received before it was sent. (See Penrose). Hence, par absurdum, no message can travel faster than light' The way established physics tries to explain non-locality. therefore. is to assume that highly curved dimensions exist so that points we see as a long way apart could be adjacent one another in the postulated higher dimension. Of course, a theory based on common-sense cannot accept such reasoning.

However, Special Relativity theory can no longer be regarded as credible and in the new theory the assumptions are different. Now no matter how many times faster than light the message travelled or how fast the reflector moved, the message could never arrive before it was sent. Hence the speed of light limitation can no longer be regarded as valid."

Q. Man, "How does your theory relate to black holes?"

A. "In this theory a black hole is a spherical region of ultimate though finite cosmon number density where creation and annihilation are in equilibrium without any grid-like filamentous structure being formed. Hence it is a region where even mind could not exist and of course matter could not exist there either. Everything which fell in would simply dissolve into the seething liquid cauldron. There is no gravitational field inside since no density gradient exists inside.

This is quite a different picture from the one painted by General Relativity.

Here there is a spherical "event horizon" at which time dilates to infinity and inside time goes backwards. Then at the centre all the mass causing the hole to exist is confined into a so called "singularity", which is a point of zero size. Physicists freely admit that singularities are impossible because all this mass, perhaps millions of Sun's worth, exists in zero space and at infinite density, which is impossible. In the Extended Newtonian theory of quantum gravitation, moreover, time goes at a fixed rate at some reference position and the speed of light falls off as the hole is approached. Einstein's theory could also be interpreted this way, but then another impossibility appears. The speed of light becomes zero at the event horizon and inside it is falling faster than ever, despite the fact that it has already stopped. In the Extended Newtonian, however, the light speed never falls quite to zero, it would only do so at the singularity which is no longer present.

Hence the Einsteinian Black Hole should simply be regarded as the place where that theory fails leading to logical inconsistency. It should not be used, as at present it is being used. to draw mind boggling inferences.

Q. Man. "Some difference! This needs studying".

STANSTED HALL 20-21 Oct. (Organised by Ken Hodson & M.F. Roll)

Q. Lady. "What experiments have you done to prove your theory?"

A. "None except for personal observations which have convinced me that paranormal phenomena are genuine. Other kinds are too difficult and expensive to be undertaken by an old age pensioner like me. However, most of the checks needed have already been made by physicists and these provide adequate confirmation."

Q. My tormentor continued:-

"But what experiments have you done to show cosmons really breed?"

A. "That is impossible because they are minute even compared with sub-atomic particles and it is impossible even to hope of seeing those."

Q. "Then its only just a mere theory. That's not very satisfactory is it?"

A. (A little bridled) "But Einstein's theories are only just theories and as I showed their effect has been dramatic. They have thrown physics way off course and sent it up the blind alley in which it is now firmly stuck. Quantum theory has had tremendous effects on the progress of physics yet it cannot explain its basic concept of wave-particle duality.

At minute scales the rules can only be inferred from making observations from apparatus made from billions of atoms. Sometimes theoretical physics can get it wrong, as a consequence, so all we can do is to start with what seem reasonable assumptions and see how well they predict the outcome of experiments. When wrong answers come out, then the assumptions have to be modified and we have to start all over again. This is the only way science can make progress."

Q. 'Its still only a theory so what you said doesn't help that much." - So we leave it there! Some people will never be appeased.

RADIONICS ASSOCN. LONDON 7 Nov. (Org, John Walker, & D. Kent)

Q. Man. "Did you know Stefan Marinov is on a lecture tour in England right now? We went to one and he told us that he had now carried out experiments to find the speed of the Earth through the Ether over more than one year. He showed that the speed varied not only with the season but even the daily variation could be observed. These results were consistent with the Sun orbiting the galactic centre whilst the Earth orbited the Sun."

A. I was not aware of this but it is good news. Thank you very much. This is to be expected and confirms that the Ether is a real medium and exists despite its having been discredited.

Q. "He also talked about FREE ENERGY direct from the vacuum of space."

A. I am also aware of the work going on with FREE ENERGY. At one of the Isle of Man lectures a man, Peter Bryce, kindly gave me a folder containing research by Bearden(2). Power from nothing appeared together with anti-gravity effects showing up to 90% weight reduction."

To the Potential Lecturer

I hope these sample questions do not put off potential lecturers. If any questions come up which you cannot cope with, all that is necessary is to admit the fact and refer people to the books listed in the references, or say they will be referred back to me. I do not think any imponderables will appear big enough to sink the ship!

The important thing is to find enough people who want to assist. As I see it, with the establishment totally opposed to new ideas, so that nothing contradicting their own is allowed publication in the normal journals, it is essential that a new means of communication be sought. My view, based on some eight years research, is that students will for many years to come be trained in a false logic which dispenses with common-sense. By way of supporting this view I refer the reader back to this paper to judge whether it achieves a paradox-free solution to the major problems facing physics. Then see how well the established physics copes based on Einstein's relativity and a quantum theory which postulates an infinite number of parallel universes, none of which are worlds of spirit (Alan Wolf(30)). Read Abbott(l) or Tryon(27). Assess a physics which denies the paranormal exists and compare this with the solution offered here.



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