Book: "Origin of Mind"

Author: Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc (Hons)

Availability: From Michael Roll

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- Chapter 5 -

Explaining the Paranormal


         So now we near the end of this lecture by applying the knowledge gained to explore the paranormal. Because I had a theory which predicted paranormal effects I decided to place myself in a position where I could test this contentious area by personal experience. The conventional ways of parapsychology looked unpromising, to say the least, and so I did what seemed the most sensible thing. I joined a circle for psychic development!

A list of items to be explained is given in FIG.1 I and I will supplement these where possible by mentioning some of my experiences. I go first to what most sensitives consider the least important:

n. Psychometry and Sand Reading

After our first session at the circle run by two mediums, Vic and Barbara Iles (Barbara prefers to use her maiden name of Kear-Morgan) I asked Vie if it was true that sensitives could read out memories contained by objects as I had heard this could be done. "Oh that's psychometry," said Vie, "hand me your watch." So I did.

And then he read out a very convincing tale - all of which I knew to be correct. Then both mediums suggested that, since we seemed interested in this area, we would do psychometry next week. We all brought an item along we had worn for some time expecting Barbara and Vic to do readings for us.

Not a bit of it! We were to do the readings! We went through the usual mind-preparation routine and then Vic handed me a medallion. "I can't do it," I protested, "I will just get nothing." But he insisted I try and plopped the medallion into my right hand. To my intense astonishment my hand went stiff and painful, so I passed it to my left hand. This immediately did the same and my right hand relaxed again. Vic said, 'Now you know what rheumatoid arthritis feels like. I have it in both hands and you've picked it up.

At another session a young man called Chris Humbert was brought in to demonstrate sand reading for us. This is another form of psychometry in which somebody places a hand in a tray of sand to leave an impression. Then the sensitive "reads" the sand. He was first confined in a bedroom out of sight and somebody was selected to make a hand print. As it happened my wife was selected. Then Chris came in and "read" the print, looking at it first and then bringing his own hand close to it. Then he started describing a pond with frogs in it. We have one containing many frogs. He described our cat and our large black labrador-alsatian dog and even the football she plays with. Then he described our minor bird and several other things and all were amazingly accurate descriptions.

So as far as I am concerned psychometry is a proven fact. As far as the theory is concerned it adds value because we can use it as input data. Two conclusions can be drawn. Firstly matter must contain memories locked into the switching pattern of the grid carried along in its atoms. A problem arises because, as shown by both Silvertooth and Marinov, the Earth is travelling through the Ether at a vast speed. So if the sub-atomic particles carry memories, either the switching pattern is being repeatedly copied so that the memory trace keeps up with the particle, or what seems more likely, a little bit of the grid is trapped to flow along with the particles. The last interpretation is illustrated in FIG.6 (UPPER). Here a subatomic particle, such as the core of an electron, is shown as a little ball flowing through the rest of the Ether. It contains grid filaments and in this core there will be about as many tee-junction switches as there are neurons in the human brain. There is plenty of room for it to carry memories. The grid flowing past outside connects the whole so that the memories can be read. There is, however, a problem with the electron-core being the memory store. To form the charged cloud about the nucleus of an atom, the electron needs to behave as a particle-sequence being repeatedly copied so that it appears to jump about at random all over the orbital to which it is confined. It seems unlikely that this could be done without some errors of memory creeping in. My bet is that the nucleus as a whole traps a ball of ether which it then carries along but this, of course, is just speculation.

The fact of psychometry confirms something else as well. Mind cannot be part of brain! This contradicts what the physicists claim. The brain is composed of neurons which are millions of times too coarse in size to address the grid. The only thing fine enough I's the grid itself. So mind has to be part of the structure of the grid itself: mind is of Ether, of the pre-physical, brain is of matter.

Other aspects of the paranormal can be treated more briefly.

a. Telepathy can be explained as a controlled leak in the information filter-barrier surrounding each sub-mind. Then a pair of sub-minds can interchange information via the grid direct, regardless of any Faraday cages or lead caskets put in the way to block electromagnetic waves such as radio waves. It was once thought telepathy must be carried by long radio waves but clearly this can no longer be considered the case.

Mental mediumship is telepathy between minds connecting with different matter-systems. Other worlds with people in them could also be supported by the common grid and so via this structure of Ether, information could be transmitted between worlds of matter which can interpenetrate one another but which are inaccessible via the normal sense-organs.

b. Dowsing and Water-Divining. The grid contains a vast memory store within the sub-atomic particles of matter and so knows where everything is located. When the dowser holds a bit of iron close to his hazel twig what lie is doing is programming the grid by his thoughts to search its memory banks for the location of a similar substance. The grid feeds information to the mind which then activates the brain to cause the twig to twitch. It depends again on a controlled leak in the information filter-barrier. It must be true. Uri Geller has made millions by finding oil for the oil companies by dowsing.

Some people use pendulum dowsing together with a map. Again the dowser is programming the grid and shows it to be capable of interpreting information contained in the symbolism of maps.

C. Spoon Bending and d. Telekinesis. These are both ?'mind over matter" phenomena. Uri Geller and others can override the natural matter-structuring programme of the grid so causing unusual effects. Since the supermind originally structured matter by grid programming, what is more surprising is that such effects are not more in evidence. It must mean that in our world at least, this power is deliberately inhibited so that we need to use our hands as well as our minds.

e. Spiritual Healing and Radionics. The latter is a form of spiritual healing which makes use of instruments. Such instruments must help, by their symbolism, to programme the grid. It seems that the subconscious has difficulty in communication with the conscious mind (due to the information filter-barrier) and finds symbolism easier to use than words. However, many healers can operate without instruments.

The grid has all the information it needs regarding the correct pattern of atoms in healthy biological cells. The healer programmes the grid by his thoughts to search out damaged cells and restructure them according to the pattern of healthy cells. Healing at a distance should be possible because everything is connected with everything else via the common grid. The radionics practitioner needs a "key" or "witness", such as a blood spot, from the patient. So by thought he programmes the grid to search out a matching blood type to locate the target for the desired healing procedure.

Radionics can also be used for elimination of crop pests in agriculture according to Russell. A very similar explanation applies. 

I have experienced the "hands on" kind of healing. During my lecture tour at Scarborough this September, an attractive jolly little lady called Norma Alan offered to help cure a pain in my neck. Her offer surprised me because I had not told anybody I had such a pain, but it was there alright. I had felt a stiffness and some pain for some time following my holiday. I had spent about three hours in the sea hanging onto an overturned solo sailing boat. The metal mast was so heavy I could not get it upright. For some unknown reason this left me with a stiff neck. During the healing I felt an intense heat coming from her hands, yet she demonstrated that her hands were actually cooler than my own. Some restructuring was clearly taking place and my, nervous system was misinterpreting the action as heat.

f. Black Magic. It always seems that there is a negative aspect. It should therefore be possible to utilise the ability to programme the grid for evil intent as well as for good. The need to learn ways of self protection is therefore indicated. It is said that the act of protection reflects the intended harm back on the practitioner. Hence counter-measures could render such practice too dangerous to use.

For the theory this has a useful aspect. If black magic is confirmed, then this will prove that most of the grid is amoral. It must be machine-like with no consciousness. Right and wrong are the abstract qualities built into the tiny fractions of the grid which have developed consciousness. The supermind cannot, therefore, extend throughout the entirety of space.

g. Clairvoyance is the ability to see something happening elsewhere and could have been dealt with as an aspect of telepathy It seems possible, however, that a temporary copy of the mind could be projected to another place on the grid to provide a remote viewing station connected by the telepathic link which, of course, the grid provides.

h. Precognition is the ability to read the future. But seeing into the future raises some difficulties. If the future is fixed then there can he no freewill. Physicists who support the "Many Worlds" hypothesis which Everett introduced in 1957 have no difficulty here.

They say there are at least 1030 near copies of our world interpenetrating our own and containing all possibilities. So if free will is exercised in one to affect the future you simply transfer to another universe where the future has been changed. This is, in fact, part of establishment thinking and is freely discussed in works by physicists like Alan Wolf. Strangely they will not admit that any of these parallel worlds could be those of spirit and mind is firmly regarded as brain function. No means by which such parallel worlds could be engineered is ever described and until this and other difficulties can be resolved it is my opinion that the hypothesis should not be taken very seriously. To me again, it reads too much like science fiction and so other explanations need to be sought from the present theory.

Two possibilities present themselves. In the first the grid acts like the computers we use to predict the weather. It projects existing trends and so is able to feed into its memory banks a very accurate description of what will occur in the future provided the exercise of free will changes nothing. Sensitives read the grid just as they do for psychometry. An example taken from a book will illustrate what is involved here.

A mother dreamt that on hearing a crash she looked at the clock and dreamt she saw it was 4am. She went into the nursery, still in her dream, and was horrified to discover the baby crushed under a fallen chandelier. After waking up in distress she jumped out of bed to look at the baby and found everything in order. However, being uneasy, she picked the baby out of its cot and took it back to her own bed. Then she went to sleep again. Bang! This time the loud crash was real and they all awoke very startled. And the hands of the clock now really did point to 4am! The cot was crushed by the chandelier just as in the dream but with the important difference that the baby was not there.

The point of the story is that the future read from the grid by the dream was only a projection. The grid had information about a faulty bolt and could predict just when fracture was likely to occur.

Somehow it generated a warning signal and so dire consequences were avoided. There was no real future out there existing in the eternal now which could not therefore be altered. No actual future existed until the real time reached 4am and became the fleeting present.

The second possibility is that some futures are really fixed. The supermind. for reasons of its own. has decided that certain things are going to occur choose what. Then it exercises its huge capacity to ensure these events do occur, overriding all the free wills of subminds which could interfere with this firm intention.

The two possibilities are not mutually exclusive. Both could operate at different times independently of the other.

Astrology is well covered by the physicist Percy Seymour and does not conflict with the grid concept, but space prohibits its inclusion here.

i. Apports. Amazing events, according to Colin Wilson, have been reported for hundreds of years in which objects have suddenly appeared from nowhere. Many people will deny the possibility of these being true because they seem to present such outrageous contradictions to the logic of common-sense. However, I can confirm from my own experience that such things can happen. I have experienced two such happenings. The first time my spectacles, lost for over six months so that I had obtained a new pair, suddenly appeared on my table during the few minutes I took to make a phone call. Friends have dismissed this by inventing rather insulting though "rational" explanations. But I defy anybody to explain the second case away which occurred on 10 August 1992.

I had locked my workshop door to go to lunch but on return found it impossible to re-insert the key. I pushed and poked for half an hour to no avail. It was impossible to use the only other entrance, the garage door, because I had barricaded it with a ladder from the inside before going on holiday and had not got around to removing same. My wife suggested something must be blocking the keyhole from inside and suggested poking in a bit of plastic tube. This worked and the door was opened. Inside I found the spare key, which had been lost for over three weeks, hanging from the keyhole. Checks showed it to be quite impossible to insert the key from outside with the spare key in position on the inside!

The new theory provides a novel explanation. Any object exists, at the basic level of reality, as a switching pattern of the grid. The grid is programmed by some mind, having the required capability, to copy this switching pattern and then transfer the copy to some other desired location. Nothing visible happens yet, but the pattern existing where the object sits is then deleted - Just as any computer function can be scrubbed. Immediately the energy of the structure becomes disorganised and so the object vanishes, its energy is transported along the grid filaments and reappears at the new site to be reorganised by the switching-pattern-copy.

j. UFO's and Corn Circles. Since many people consider these to be linked I have put them together. UFO's could not possibly travel from even the nearest star using rocket technology. They cannot be dismissed, however, because if advanced civilisations have perfected the apport, then this would provide a means of near instant transport involving very little expenditure of energy. So the theory says they could be real. The apport method can also explain the many reports of UFO's suddenly vanishing without trace - they have just apported to some other place. Other kinds of UFO could also be present. They could be from a parallel universe, not of the Everett variety, but of a kind of matter organised just like our own by the switching waves of the grid but tuned to a different frequency range. Normally they would be invisible and untouchable but conditions could arise in which some interfacing matter of intermediate frequency could coat their surface; to render them visible to us.

The corn circles could be associated with UFO's, those which are not hoaxes that is. Some are claimed to be genuine by people like Collins because of odd happenings experienced on some sites. Compass needles have started to rotate continuously and strange noises have been recorded. It is also claimed that the storks of genuine circles are bent over in a permanent gentle bend, a way which hoaxers could not imitate because they bend them with a sharp kink. It is hard to see what the connection could be with UFO's, however, and so it is worth throwing in a new possibility.

They might be created by our combined subconscious minds! These cannot easily communicate with sub-minds because the information filter-barrier is in the way. But it is known that the sub-conscious prefers communication by the use of symbolism rather than words. These minds could programme the grid in the way Uri Geller programmes it to bend spoons - by overriding the natural matter-structuring capability of' the grid. Then the stalks can he bent over without kinking. Perhaps our combined sub-conscious minds are trying to warn of Earth-trouble ahead.

k. Poltergeists. These noisy ghosts have been reported for many centuries as beautifully described by Colin Wilson. They rap on walls, levitate tables and cause apports. The theory explains them as people living in the matter system on the next frequency band from our own. Interference depends on achieving a physical link by the acquisition of interfacing material of the kind previously mentioned.

Again I have personally experienced such activity: this year indeed. On one occasion the trace on my oscilloscope faded away as I watched from four feet away. I thought something had burned out but when I reached for the control knob, which is a combined intensity and on/off switch, I found it turned fully down. The trace returned as I turned the knob forward yet it was quite stiff.

One evening we both heard a loud thump on the kitchen ceiling and later found the kitchen clock turned back exactly one hour! I left it alone for three weeks to see if the battery was down but the clock kept perfect time one hour slow. Then I reset it and it has kept perfect time ever since.

We both went to a medium without reporting any of these events. Without any hint from us she told me that somebody was trying to tell me something but was finding it impossible to get through. The description she gave identified the person so that I am certain I know who it is. It is a physicist who used to be my boss from 1950 to 1955 and who passed over about ten years ago. A man who switched from physics to engineering funnily enough. So far, unfortunately, I have not been able to make contact, but I am very curious to know what he has to say.

l. Levitation, such as table lifting, has often been reported. It may not be necessary, however, to blame people in other worlds. Our own subconscious minds might create the same effects if they know how to extract the required interfacing substance from our bodies. Which means I should add one more item:-

m. Physical Mediumship provides the ability of people from another world to appear temporarily in our own. As in levitation, this means that some kind of interfacing substance needs to be produced. Mediums call this "ectoplasm" a substance drawn from the medium and to a lesser extent from the sitters. The phenomenon was first reported in the scientific literature by Sir William Crookes but was discredited by other scientists who feared disruption of their world view. It is a phenomenon I would very much like to witness but its confirmation would not destroy my own world view at all. Indeed it would provide further confirmation for the new theory.

The nearest experience to this I have had so far is the direct voice mediumship of the Manchester Medium, Douglas Shaw. I have to report that this was totally convincing and a very moving experience indeed. I found myself conversing with an ex-student of mine called Arthur Cook from about twenty years previously. We were able to discuss my grid theory just as if he were alive in body. He said he was fascinated with it and said I was working on the right lines. Confirmation indeed from a very unexpected source! This is no leg-pull. It actually happened! The theory is that the interfacing substance is used to create a temporary "voice box" and this makes vibrations in the air to reproduce voice patterns.



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