Book: "Origin of Mind"

Author: Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc (Hons)

Availability: From Michael Roll

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- Chapter 1 -


A Lecture to the Radionics Association

Given on 7/11/92


         Ladies and gentlemen it is a great pleasure to be able to address you on this topic because of the theoretical study I have been making. The exciting news I want to spread is what seems an explanation for the amazing healing effects claimed by the practitioners of RADIONICS as well as a global explanation for other aspects of the paranormal. This is the result of some eight years of intensive effort made since my retirement in 1985 when I switched my attention to a discipline closely allied to my own - that of physics.

Dennis Kent is the man to blame for my appearance here because it was he who telephoned me from the Isle of Man to ask what I knew about "Radionics". 'Nothing. -What is it?" was my reply. He then explained that he had just read my pamphlet "The Physics of Healing" and said that this explained it all. "I think you've cracked it!" he said. Then he sent me a book by E. W. Russell, which told me the whole story. I will leave it to you to judge how far the new theory explains Radionics after I wind up.

Briefly the exploration began with an attempt to solve the problem of gravitation which has been bedevilling physicists for more than 70 years. As an engineer this may seem presumptuous, going way outside my own field to deal with something which is none of my business. The reason I did so was because I could see that some of the difficulties could be tackled more sensibly from the common-sense logic of my own profession than by the extremely sophisticated methods being applied by mathematicians. I just knew I could solve some of the problems they were stuck upon by looking at them from an entirely different angle. It was clear that the old Newtonian laws of motion based on the three dimensions of Euclid needed slight revision and I it looked to me as though this could provide a solution.

NOTE: See References for texts when names appear

After taking early retirement I therefore studied Einstein's theories of relativity and as much quantum theory as seemed to be necessary for the purpose before making a start. The exciting thing which emerged from the solution is the aspect I will concentrate upon today: the spin-off which provides what I think you will agree is a convincing explanation for most of paranormal experience inclusive of healing at a distance.

On looking back at my life I feel I may have unwittingly prepared myself for this study and so I will make a short diversion to describe one or two strange happenings.

Some Strange Personal Experiences

As a student I invented a new kind of engine and had almost finished building the first experimental model (the extensive facilities of my father's hobby workshop came in very handy). Then I had to drop it to study for the final degree examinations which were only about two weeks away. But as I swotted one day at my books, in a room at the college, a sudden strange feeling came over me. For no reason I could put my finger on I needed to go to the town reference library about a mile away. Not for the life of me could I reason out why I needed to go, yet go I must. The feeling was so strong that, despite the shortage of time and my very real need to study, I just packed my bags and went. I was short of time because I had foolishly spent far too much on building my model.

I reached the library steps and having mounted them, went inside. My eyes immediately focused on, to me, a new journal called The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine. I picked it up and opened it in a random way. Immediately, on the very page at which the journal opened, I was struck by the title heading. It was, Pressure Exchanger for Locomotive Gas Turbine. "What a good name that would have been for my invention," thought I. I read on and my face must have seemed to get longer and longer to any casual observer who might have watched me. It was indeed a very good description of my own idea. Worse still, it was clearly more advanced than the model I had built. Until then I had prided myself on being something of a pioneer but this was more than just upsetting. I felt in a state of total shock. Instantly my dedication to the whole thing evaporated. I felt numb and despondent - desolated in fact!

But the incident raises a puzzling question: -

How was it that I homed in on this article without prior knowledge of its existence? Many rationalists will put it down to coincidence but I know this will not do. Coincidence cannot account for the sudden irrepressible urge I experienced. It was as though something inside me or outside me directed me onto this unknown target. It was information I needed to have, no matter how unpleasant the reaction would be at the time.

For years I puzzled over the question raised but as time went by I more or less dismissed the incident. It did not fit into the scientific framework I had been trained to accept.

Many years were to elapse before anything like this recurred. Then in 1977 the same thing happened several times in the space of a few weeks as I desperately tried to meet a deadline. I was preparing material for The Energy Show to be held at Olympia in London. On each occasion I found material I urgently needed by picking out books and opening them at random after logically conducted searches had failed.

On other occasions I have been introduced to people having the means to support innovative projects. And sometimes I have immediately experienced a horrible sick feeling in the pit of my stomach making me want to run away. Being unable to fault any logic or see any justification for this unpleasant feeling, I have, each time, repressed and ignored this so-called "gut reaction". And each time I have ultimately come unstuck. On one occasion I eventually found myself doing business with the Mafia (And backed off pretty sharply). Something has always happened in the end which totally justified the ringing of a warning bell. How can anybody account for such premonitions? It does look as though the elusive paranormal cannot just be dismissed.

Indeed the new theory supports the contention that they are only too real and a new vista opens to promise advantages which seem worth a look before going further. These are represented in symbolic form by the pyramid shown in FIG. 2

A New Target - Physics Turned to the Support of Spirituality

For hundreds of years, differences in religious belief have generated conflict, hatred and countless wars. Yet there is a core of truth in every religion if the paranormal is a fact and part of an extended physics. Therefore, physics is seen as the base of the pyramid now supporting the core of religious truth;- an immortal consciousness and the existence of a creative force which produced the universe.

But all religions accumulate false concepts, often for very dubious political reasons, and it is these which are the cause of friction.

"So why not throw them out?" the reader might well ask. The reason is not hard to find.

With religions supported only by belief and faith nothing can be safely discarded. Any change could discredit the entire structure of belief and bring the whole edifice crashing down in ruins. Safer by far to just stay put, resisting all efforts of reform no matter how urgent the need.

The need is, however, now most urgent. Beliefs forged to satisfy the less educated people of a bygone age are fast losing their credibility. But whilst religions are supported only by belief and faith and are counterpoised to a materialistic physics, which denies such beliefs, they cannot move. Anything discarded in such circumstances might endanger the entire credibility of the Church.

This point is amplified and discussed in detail in the author's pamphlet THE COLOSSUS. One leg of the colossus is a materialistic physics which asserts that the mind ceases to exist when the brain dies. The other leg is the established church helping to prop up physics by joining forces with it to discredit the paranormal. So the pair help to maintain equilibrium despite their obvious incompatibilities. They are symbolically represented with one foot on either bank astride the straits of progress, so blocking the path to the vista of delight which lies beyond. Further stability is provided by a tail which curves down, ending in a coil on the bank of physics to press up from behind. This is the tail of parapsychology, which, in order to curry favour from dominant physics, tamely tries to help discredit the paranormal. It does looking for "rational' explanations for all effects not explained by this so-called "New Physics". There is some v criticism of course because some effects can be explained materialistic way and because, unfortunately, tricksters from time to time confuse the issue. However, most parapsychologists, but not all, simply avoid aspects they cannot properly explain.

Now we return to the main theme, which is that, as a most people have become confused. The teachings of the Church lose credibility and the vast majority of the population the away and refuse to believe in anything. They adopt the atheistic stance. No invisible bearded old man in the sky for them in this day and age! Less than two and a half percent of the population regularly attend services of the Established Church of England present time.

The situation is' very serious because most people now deny to themselves the existence of any soul which carries on after the body dies. Youngsters feel deprived and see no need for moral inhibition If this life is all there is, and there is no soul to nourish, why crime if you can get away with it?

But nobody really convinced that ultimate account will have to be settled dares stoop to crime!

The illustration shows religions sitting on the platform provided by an enlightened physics and marked "GRADE 1" They are also shown throwing out undesirable ideas like suffer a witch to live" into the waste bin marked "Mythology" there can only be a single absolute truth, such a clean-out bring the religions together, fragmentation giving way to unification: conflict and hate turning to co-operation and love. The point such desirable changes can be safely promoted once the core can be shown consistent with theoretical physics. This is so because admitting that false concepts are woven into the fabric can no longer cause faith to be lost in the important things which are true.

Other aspects also deserve a mention. Some things which are right for one age can be quite wrong for another. For example, it was sensible to extort people to "Go forth and multiply" Earth's population was small. It no longer makes sense when overpopulation is already overwhelming resources.

Yet, because feels it dare not change, the Church still keeps to its old directive - causing enormous harm!

There is, however, another source of conflict. Most world religions avoid close contact with the paranormal, saying this is dangerous. There may be some justification for such opinion but there is an obvious vested interest at work as well.

Most sensitives, those who claim to frequently attune to other worlds, would probably say that the dangers can be exaggerated. In any case, after training, sensitives know how to cope with any dangers, so it is quite safe for them.

Therefore two kinds of people need to be accommodated and so a "GRADE 2" level is included which allows close contact with the paranormal. The two levels should be no cause for conflict. They are like the infant and junior sections of a single school. Indeed the parallel goes further. Many people who deny the existence of the paranormal whilst in the prime of life, change their stance with advancing years. This is quite understandable. Whilst still young they need to relate to this world and make the most of it. To many, at this stage, too close a dependence on the paranormal could be counterproductive. Such people need to stay in GRADE 1. But later, when they need to prepare for the transition we call "death", their priorities can change. It then becomes very desirable to prepare for the next stage of existence. A symbolic stairway is provided for those who feel the need of higher attunement.

Questions to be Answered

Before I finally conclude this introduction I would just like to pose a list of questions. If a new theory is to be an advance on ones which have gone before, then it ought to be able to answer fundamental questions better than its predecessors. I will go through the list shown in FIG.3 and then, on conclusion, we will look at them again to see how well the theory has provided answers.

The initials "COR" stand for "Creator of the Universe"


1: Does a COR exist?

2: If yes, what is the COR and from what is it made and how is it constructed?

3: If the COR made the universe, what made the COR?

4: Why make the universe so big? -Would not one Earth have been enough? Or one galaxy of stars with planets orbiting round each? Why make it so big that there are more galaxies than people on the Earth?

5: Does life have any higher purpose?

6: Are mind and brain the same organ? -A very important one is this, because established physics, together with the support of biology, denies the possibility that mind could be separate from the brain.

7: If separate from the brain, what is MIND?

8: Is mind immortal?

9: Can other matter systems exist? (Such as worlds of spirit.)

10: Will the universe ever end?

11: Has it always existed?

12: Can the vexed question of "wave-particle duality", the bedrock of quantum theory, be provided with a satisfactory paradoxfree explanation?

And finally:

13: Can the paranormal be explained by physics including the amazing mind-powers on which radionics is totally dependent.

A very formidable list of questions as I think you will all agree. However, let us wait in patience to see how well we can answer them at the end of the lecture.

Now, my introduction completed we can make a start on the physics.



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